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Neglect of children's eye care

Children’s eye health continues to be neglected as two recent studies reveal a quarter of schoolchildren have never had an eye examination, yet parents value it as important. These studies released by the College of Optometrists ‘Britain’s Eye Health in Focus’ report, also states that 1 in 10 parents could not remember the last time their child had their eye examination, or if they did it was over 10 years ago. Additionally, Brulimar Optical Group also found that 44% of children aged 11-15 who did not wear glasses, had never had their eyes examined.

This recent research reflects that although we live in a very health conscious society, there is still a huge proportion of children who are not getting their eyes examined. Senior Optometrist, Jonathan Walker said ‘Parents are assuming that because the health visitors are recording their child's vision as normal at the visit, that it won’t change in the future’.

It is important that a child’s ocular health is never compromised as children under perform if they can’t see as clearly as they should. The hyperopic (long sighted) child may well see clearly but is straining their accommodation to do this. This has been proven to be a disincentive to the child, and also a reason for them under performing at school.

Please help us raise awareness of the importance of children’s eye health. As an NHS practice we are able to offer not only a free examination of children's eyes, but also provide all-in-one spectacles from just £9.95, if required.​

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