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Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take from requesting an appointment to you visiting?
We endeavour to visit you within 30 days of you requesting an appointment. However on some rare occasions it may be longer than this. If that be the case we will explain when arranging the appointment with you.
How long does it take for you to examine me?
We allocate up to half an hour for our home-visit examinations.
Do I need to prepare in any way for my visit?
If you are eligible for an NHS home-visit examination due to low income then we ask for proof of this. Other than that simply relax and await for us to visit you.
If I choose to upgrade my glasses or am a private patient, how can I pay?
We accept payment with debit/credit card or cash.
How can I make sure I like the glasses you have on offer?
We endeavour to find you the right frame with regards to fitting, style and budget. It is for that reason that we bring a collection of 64 frames with us to give you as wide a choice as possible.
What's the benefit of using you for my home-visit?
You have the security that not only will one of our two senior optometrists be conducting your examination, but also we are local people who live and work just round the corner. We are therefore never too far away for any issues or problems you may have. We also have a business in the profession that goes back to the 1980's, so be assured we have been around for a while.
How much will it cost for you to visit me?
Provided you are eligible for an NHS examination and glasses then we can provide everything free of charge, including new glasses. If you're only eligible for the NHS examination then there will be a charge for the glasses. Finally, if you qualify for neither the exam nor glasses, then please take a look at our prices for more information.
I had an examination recently paid for by the NHS, can I have another?
The NHS will fund your examination every two years unless your selected recall states otherwise e.g. family history of Glaucoma is a 12 month recall. Provided you haven't had an NHS exam in this time, they will fund your visit. We can clarify this with you when you book your appointment.